Are you enough?
When I mean to say I love you
Words would cling into my thoughts
Clutching for faith where there is none
Seeking for peace in a barren place.
And that’s not serenity for then
I stay still in the snow
Wait for it to freeze around my eyes
To build the frost, to grow inside of me
Like the parasitic child grows inside of a mother’s womb
To change her
To change itself,
To become enough.
luni, noiembrie 23, 2009
Publicat de Mel la 02:07:00 0 comentarii
miercuri, septembrie 02, 2009
When I had no eyes, no light; for the world, no sight
everything was such a peaceful maze
The days I had no eyes, the days of sweet and dreamless nights.
Consuming, protecting, embracing
Silent, frail and fearless
How could I still not hold that day I could first feel
The cold of scissors and of drawing steel
The days they first sew in my eyes
The first days I knew no longer what is real.
Slashing, Cutting, Deepening
Sharp, Cold, strong
For the light was all so bright
And oh, I danced, I danced into the black-freed night!
Music was itself benign, and your love could have no fear.
Stitches held everything still as near.
(Blind light in a cornered sight)
The needle went through the stainless skin
just below my forehead and high above my lips
And as light crawled in steps of violin
Darkness knew of light, and light crawled in -eclipse-
Then they held my hands and legs and flowing blood
They did not know what they were up against
The didn’t know of the world inside the flood
And they drew the eyes of a world condensed.
(A strangled star catches the falling night
No sight could ever make it right)
Shapes fall in elongated sorrows
and time is scared itself, counting shrinking hours.
Steps fall still as he takes my hand and follows
Now both are blind, faces no longer ours…
And love, do you remember….
Publicat de Mel la 23:34:00 0 comentarii
Inside-out Logic
Human cannot be asked
to fulfill patterns, to feel social frights
or word love.
human is not us
the voice is within
the one who tells us to be
yet something else,
muffled outside
inside I feel human
outside I am me
inside you are human
outside you are them
I, which is not me -
wished you'd loved human.
Publicat de Mel la 23:33:00 0 comentarii
Unde, unde sa ma aflu
cand lumea toata e un singur loc
un singur loc, in locul nostru
restul tot e numai joc
Alerg, alerg spre tine iar
doar ca acolo, acolo nu razbesc
toata lumea e doar noi
si eu si tu cand te iubesc
doar unde, unde sa te aflii
la mine sigur n-ai sa fii
doar noi iti sta in loc, in joc
restul nu-s, fie ei si mii in mii
unde, unde noi sa fim
si in rima e absurd
ne repetam in lume noi
si ne purtam de parca am fi
Publicat de Mel la 23:31:00 0 comentarii
duminică, aprilie 05, 2009
Demonii lui Aprilie
As uita primavara
Cum copacul se lasa golit de flori
Si florile de petale.
Iarna a venit din nou
pentru cei ce poarta in palma ochii nostri.
Publicat de Mel la 22:18:00 0 comentarii
vineri, martie 27, 2009
Doar vrabia
Din cate stiu
cerul meu e sustinut de doi piloni
ce se rasucesc si se inconvoaie
ca furtuna,
ca marea,
ca noaptea vazand rasaritul cel dintai.
Si atunci
cand vad o vrabie numai
tinand cerul sa nu cada
cu piciorusele in sus
in stele, in nori, in crudul soare
cum sa nu ma culc si eu cu spatele sprijinit de pamant
atunci cand cerul cade?
numai ca moartea, ca si viata e o iluzie.
ma adancesc in pamant, si nu vad cum cerul se prabuseste in mine
Publicat de Mel la 00:13:00 0 comentarii
luni, februarie 16, 2009
Si tusea pare vie
la ora din noapte
cand smochinii se usuca in gradina.
E martie, iar
se apropie si toti stiu
ca nu se poate trai fara absurd.
O ruga, un cantec de neliniste
prin vazduhul neinflorit
de stele, de luna si nici macar de mana ta.
as dori sa fii aici sa vezi nesomn in somn adanc
neiubind, iubita stang.
Publicat de Mel la 03:06:00 0 comentarii
marți, februarie 10, 2009
step by step
I’m breaking rhythm
where others have walked before
where the dogs rot
Beyond freshly painted fences
The stench is in the air
on the fine yellow line
but I’m walking
like I’ve never walked before
one foot in front of the other
looking down
looking up
smiling at you
Screaming inside
on the yellow line
Waiting for the roots of the trees
To catch me by the ankles
and carry me
the yellow line.
Publicat de Mel la 00:24:00 0 comentarii
The last poem...
...nobody will believe in
Reality is coincidence of minds
In folds of time
In the sands of space
We meet
And everything stays the same
Nothing changes
In a changing world
Because we are synchronized in that which makes us existent,
We meet each other
In quantum coincidences.
Publicat de Mel la 00:20:00 0 comentarii
luni, februarie 09, 2009
Ma infasor in jurul tau,
Si de la glezna iti sarut tot corpul
As fi putut sa vad tot saltul.
Doar ca
Ma lumineaza o lumina, uite!
aici si aici
o umbra si nu stiu
daca ai pasi sau sta
Iar de sprijin, ma vei gasi
cu o urma de pantof pe fata mea,
razand aiurea, fugind sub tine
eu sunt cea de care tu nu poti scapa.
Publicat de Mel la 23:43:00 0 comentarii